Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (BRG) – Financial and Strategic SWOT Analysis Review

Berger Paints Jamaica Limited (Berger Jamaica) is a paint company, based in Jamaica. Berger Jamaica is a subsidiary of Berger Paints. It operates through the manufacture and distribution sectors of industrial and decorative paints, and paint-related processed materials in Jamaica. The company’s key products include protective coatings, architectural and wood finishes, and marine paints. It operates with its subsidiaries in Amaica, Bahrain, Singapore, China, Caribbean, and the Middle East, South Asia, South East Asia and South Pacific region and across oceans. It has 22 paint manufacturing facilities worldwide which provide services to customers in over 50 countries. Berger Jamaica is headquartered in Kingston, Jamaica.

This comprehensive SWOT profile of Berger Paints Jamaica Limited provides you an in-depth strategic analysis of the company’s businesses and operations. The profile has been compiled by GlobalData to bring to you a clear and an unbiased view of the company’s key strengths and weaknesses and the potential opportunities and threats. The profile helps you formulate strategies that augment your business by enabling you to understand your partners, customers and competitors better.

This company report forms part of GlobalData’s -Profile on Demand’ service, covering over 50,000 of the world’s leading companies. Once purchased, GlobalData’s highly qualified team of company analysts will comprehensively research and author a full financial and strategic analysis of Berger Paints Jamaica Limited including a detailed SWOT analysis, and deliver this direct to you in pdf format within two business days. (excluding weekends).

The profile contains critical company information including*,

– Business description – A detailed description of the company’s operations and business divisions. – Corporate strategy – Analyst’s summarization of the company’s business strategy. – SWOT Analysis – A detailed analysis of the company’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. – Company history – Progression of key events associated with the company. – Major products and services – A list of major products, services and brands of the company. – Key competitors – A list of key competitors to the company. – Key employees – A list of the key executives of the company. – Executive biographies – A brief summary of the executives’ employment history. – Key operational heads – A list of personnel heading key departments/functions. – Important locations and subsidiaries – A list and contact details of key locations and subsidiaries of the company. – Detailed financial ratios for the past five years – The latest financial ratios derived from the annual financial statements published by the company with 5 years history. – Interim ratios for the last five interim periods – The latest financial ratios derived from the quarterly/semi-annual financial statements published by the company for 5 interims history.

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How To Prepare For The Investment Banking Interview

It seems that the investment banking industry has narrowly escaped Armaggedon and the survivors are waiving the bonus flags again. Intern classes are getting bigger and Business Week reported that Goldman Sachs has reclaimed the top spot as the most popular employer among elite MBA students again. If you are a career switcher and one among many MBA applicants dreaming of joining Goldman Sachs or another bulge bracket investment bank for the summer internship, this article is for you. Below we provide an overview of an investment banking interview and explain why its important to prepare in advance. This is especially true if you are a career switcher.

There are several types of questions which you are likely to be asked in your interview. They include career questions, educational questions, competency questions, fit questions, technical questions and industry questions.

While its difficult to predict which questions exactly you will be asked, there are four questions which will appear in any investment banking interview:
– The WMTYR (Walk me through your resume)
– The 3 Why’s (Why investment banking? Why our bank? Why (should we hire) you?

The answer to the first and the second questions may be quite similar to those you provided in your MBA admission interviews. Answer to the third question is a little bit more complicated and will require specific preparation.

The usual reason for interest in any specific investment bank include: (a) a strong platform, which means strong coverage teams, diverse offering of advisory and financial products, many interesting deals and opportunities to learn (b) a strong presence in specific markets or industries (c) and the most important, tons of wonderful and smart people with whom you talked with during your recruiting process and whom you really made a connection with. Networking is a critical component for your interview preparation but we will discuss this area in one of our
future postings.

Why (should we hire) you? To answer this question you need to reiterate your main strengths, interest in a specific bank and a great fit you feel for the bank you are interviewing with.
You should prepare for this question especially well as a banks approach to this question will usually be that a person who cannot sell himself cannot sell the banks products and banking is definitely a sales job.

Good to know Other challenging fit questions examining your understanding of the
investment banking can be:
– What does an investment banker actually do?
– What is the role of an associate in the investment banking?
The answer to the first question will usually go in the following way:
An investment bank serves as intermediaries between their clients
who need capital in the form of debt and equity
It provides strategic advisory services by structuring transactions
that meet clients needs and objectives
Overall, Investment bank works with companies on the transactions
that will enhance their value. This may include accessing capital
markets to find growth or expand operations, as well as investing in another
company through merger or acquisition. Banks are not only the
matchmaker between parties involved in a transaction, but also the primary
architects of the deal.

A typical answer to the question about the role of an associate will
go like this :
Analyzing industry and company data related to the transaction
Building excel models to valuate companies
Joining strategic meetings
Performing due diligence meetings with the clients
Creating, editing client presentations
Monitoring, paying close attention to documentation associated with
the deal (prospectus, internal memos)
Managing relationship with an analyst
The most important attributes that an associate should have are:
quantitative skills, the ability to learn quickly, discipline, a strong work ethic, the ability to
work in teams, detail orientation and dependability.

While answering competency and behavioral questions you should be structured and succinct. Banks like well organized and structured thinking and will quickly dismiss candidates who ramble or cannot distinguish important points from the less important ones. We recommend creating 3 bullet points for each of your answers and putting them on the paper in advance. Practice your answers with friends and be sure that your story is consistent and flows well before the interview.

The technical part

The technical part of the interview will test your familiarity with the accounting and financial terms. This will definitely require thorough preparation even if you study at one of the top MBA programs . First of all you will need to be familiar with the financial statements and their analysis. The profit and loss statement, the balance sheet and cash flow statements are all fair game in the interview.
Secondly, you will need to have a basic understanding of the company’s valuation methods. You should be very familiar with terms such as cost of capital, cash flow discounting, multiples, accretion and dilution, LBO, CAPM, WACC and Beta.

You also may be asked how M&A and IPOs work and even be given a case study on a business situation. It is strongly recommended that you start b-school having at least a basic understanding of accounting and finance.

Here are some books that can help you.
VAULT Guide to Finance Interviews by D. Bhatawedekhar, Dan Jacobson,
and the Vault Staff
Vault Career Guide to Investment Banking by Tom Lott, Derek Loosvelt
and the Staff of Vault
Heard on the Street by Timothy Falcon Crack.
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies by Tom
Copeland, et al, John Wiley & Sons Inc
Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies
by McKinsey and Company
Financial Modeling, 3rd Edition (Hardcover), Simon Benninga

In the industry part of the interview the interviewers will test your understanding of the industry and your professional interests.
You will be asked about financial news and trends, current articles related to investment banking, discussions of the economic environment and economic trends, trends in M&A and definitely about specific deals.

To be prepared for this part of the interview its advisable to start reading financial and economic newspapers and journals. The Wall Street Journal, FT and Economist are good sources to gain relevant knowledge.

A couple of additional hints:
– Know recent interesting deals executed by banks with which you are interviewing.
– Talk about deals with passion the interviewers will test not only your level of knowledge but also your passion for IB
– And finally, always read the news in the morning before your interview

Some additional books to better understand investment banking before your interview include:
The Business of Investment Banking: A Comprehensive Overview , by K.
Thomas Liaw
Blue Blood and Mutiny: The Fight for the Soul of Morgan Stanley , by
Patricia Beard
The Last Tycoons: The Secret History of Lazard Frres & Co. , by
William Cohan
The Accidental Investment Banker: Inside the Decade that Transformed
Wall Street , By Jonathan Knee
More entertaining books include:
Barbarians at the Gate , By Bryan Burrough and John Helyar.
Bombardiers , By Po Bronson
Monkey Business: Swinging through the Wall Street Jungle, By John
Rolfe and Peter Troob.
Liars Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street , By Michael
Lewis, Norton Books.

Good luck with your interview!

Monthly Billing Software Versus Manual Billing

Dealing with business either small or big makes no difference. It needs strict compliance when it comes to cash finances. You should be kin of the in and out of your money. You have to be firmed when it comes to decision making and dealing with clients needs. But, this does not mean that you have to be stiffed in accommodating your customers or clients concerns. What we are talking here is the cash flow or finances. We all know that you can not run any kind of business without proper accounting.

Traditionally, this is done through manual billing process. Typically, it is practiced even at this present situation. Why? It is because people have heard the so-called monthly billing software but were not familiar on how to use the process. Maybe they are not aware how it is being run and how it is done. But, in todays situation we can say that billing or invoice software is better that manual billing. We are not saying that manual billing is no longer important. What we emphasize here is the advantages given to us of this billing software.

Reality shows that in preparing invoices and billings are time consuming. Monthly billing software is more innovative and easier to use and manage. You will have accurate records of your rates as well as the rates of your customers at a given time. You can easily monitor the status of the things paid and unpaid. You can have flexible time to contact your customers or clients. It is less error free compared to manual billing. In addition to this, in manual procedures if the statements are lost, it will take time to recover the data. Another thing is that you will have to wait for a long period of time because it will undergo the usual process again.

Probably, there is a need to educate more people who engaged in business about the uses of this software. Although it has been advertised in various websites but profound knowledge of the uses and purposes are still needed. This will release all the doubts and queries regarding the security and accuracy in using it. In order to stop people from keep on wondering how it truly works is to explain to them accurately.

As we mentioned the advantages, the said software is also applicable for music teachers. It would be easier for them to adjust their work schedules and administration of their finances. Since, time is very important to them as teachers they should opt for the monthly billing software. They can charge rates and collect the same to their client at the most convenient time. Unlike in manual billing that they have to do it manually so there will be great possibility of committing mistakes and errors.

Further, it would help them maintain their clients and improve the quality of their music lessons. Instead of spending hours in listing, computing and recording of the data, they can concentrate more on their lessons. And with this, efficiency and promptness in performing their tasks are no longer an issue to their profession.

Furthermore, when it comes to money matters, you can eliminate any conflict with your clients or customers. It is because you can present the data or invoice neatly and accurately.

Different Types Of Financial Markets – Get To Know Them

There are several different types of financial markets. Financial markets are tools that allow people to buy and sell securities or commodities and other financial tools. Investors typically trade and sell the various forms of financial instruments through what is called the stock market. They also have the ability to trade between buyers and sellers. The trading can be done both domestically or internationally according to fair market pricing.

Capital markets are different types of financial markets that deal with the trade of certain types of bonds and stocks. Capital markets can either relate to newly issued bonds and stocks. Or it may handle trades of pre-existing bonds and stocks. This market is typically referred to as either the bond or stock market. The bond market oversees financing regarding the issuance of various types of bonds. And the stock market does the same but for stock issues.

Other vital markets include money markets. Money markets are components of the financial markets. This type of market concerns itself with short-term borrowing and lending practices of securities with a maturation date of one year or less. Various instruments are traded in money markets such as treasury bills, commercial paper, certificates of deposit and several other financial instruments. Money markets essentially facilitate short term debt and capital financing.

There are many other types of financial markets such as; derivatives, foreign exchange, insurance and commodity markets. The purpose of all financial markets is to provide some form of fund raising. It is through these various financial markets that those in need of borrowing funds can find those that are willing to lend funds. These types of financial transaction take place in stock exchange. It is in stock exchange where investors can buy and sell shares of stock from other companies.

The entire foundation of the various types of financial markets is based on a system to borrowing and lending. Those seeking funding can be individuals, corporations, the government and other institutions. There are many reasons these various types of borrowers seek funding. When companies sell shares of their stock, they may be in need of additional capital to meet their expansion needs. Various government entities utilize municipal bonds to raise funds for various projects including improving city infrastructure. There are many reasons for funding across all the different forms of borrowers.

Lenders in the Financial Market are actually the investors. Investors will purchase various forms of financial products which will end up converting into capital for the borrower. There are many different ways these transactions occur. One typical way is when a company issues shares of stock from their company. This is a quick way for companies that are valued in the market place, to make quick cash.

The different types of financial markets are in existence for the purpose of raising capital. As with any institution, there are advantages and disadvantages inherent in the system. It is important to be well informed about the various financial tools before you employ them for your use.