Card Customers Being Surprised By ‘trailing Interest’

Credit cards customers who are trying to clear their debts are being surprised with further charges even though they may think they have already cleared the balance.

An egg customer and Guardian reader brought the problem to the media attention, the problem can occur when a customer is paying debt carried over from the previous month.

This is what many credit card companies call trailing interest on any negative balance between the issuing of the last statement and the customer paying off the debt.

Some have a minimum fee and if interest does not reach, that amount it will be “topped up” the charge, so borrwers will be repaying no lower than the minimum fee.

Unfair minimum charges

In the case of Egg the minimum is 50p, while at MBNA and Barclays it is 1. For customers with Egg, the internet bank who pay off their debt via direct debit they could incur up to 18 days worth of interest on a balance that they think they have settled in full.

A spokeswoman for Egg, speaking to the Guardian newspaper, said: “Interest is charged on the outstanding balance between our issuing the statement and the payment being made. We request payment via your direct debit 14 days after the statement date.”

Direct debits cannot be called over a weekend so if a customer’s direct debit is due to leave their account on a Saturday or Sunday, we’ll move the payment date to Monday. The longest they’ll go between statement date and paying their account is 16 days – 18 if their payment date falls over the Easter weekend.

The spokeswoman added: “If the interest amounts to less than 50p we top up the charge so it equals that amount. She added that interest would be charged on the outstanding interest and top-up fee.

“All credit card contracts will mention trailing interest in the terms and conditions but more often than not it can be hidden away within the small print of the contract. In Egg’s case the explanation behind the charges has been described as virtually incomprehensible.”

The top-up fee

In the contract it says it will charge, “a top-up fee where the amount of interest charged to your account on any statement is less than 50p and the fee will be the amount required to make the top-up fee plus that interest equal to 50p. Where this applies, your statement will show a 50p minimum finance charge”.

Barclay card mentions on its website that interest is charged until the full date of repayment meaning that you may receive a further interest charge the second month, however there is no mention of the extra 1 pound charge.

Peter Harrison, a credit cards specialist at a leading price comparison website, said too often financial services companies include these wrinkles in their terms and conditions and it is important customers check the details before applying.

He added: “Whilst the sums of money involved are quite small, many customers who want to clear their full balance will, no doubt, find this irritating.”

The extra interest charges are not likely to send customers spiraling back into debt but there is no doubt that many would find it annoying receiving another statement after thinking that the balance had already been paid off.

Explaining The Meaning Of Uninsured Losses

Car insurance is not merely an important part of protecting yourself financially on the road – its a legal necessity. However if youre trying to make a claim after being involved in an accident that wasnt your fault, you might come across something called uninsured losses. We take a look at exactly what that means for your cover

Uninsured losses can be described as potential financial losses, and they aren’t usually covered by a standard insurance policy. Uninsured losses generally include: injury to yourself or your passengers; loss of earnings; cost of alternative travel arrangements; or recovery of your policy excess from a third party. These are all very common costs incurred as a result of an accident, and you will understandably want to protect yourself against them.

According to the Department for Transport, around 3,500 people are killed and 40,000 are seriously injured on Britain’s roads each year. If youre involved in an accident, it could seriously affect your health or ability to work, and therefore have grave financial implications too. Standard insurance will always cover liabilities to third parties. However, if an accident isnt your fault, you will have to make a case to the other partys insurance provider in order to cover the damage incurred. If the other party does not take responsibility, this could potentially turn into a costly and lengthy legal procedure.

Some insurance providers may recommend that you take out optional additional cover, often from as little as 20, to boost your protection and cover uninsured losses. With Greenbee Legal Protection, for example, you would have up to 100,000 towards legal expenses to help recover these potential losses. Just make sure you contact your insurance provider immediately after an accident, as there may be time limits that apply.

The Government is currently investing in a road safety strategy, which is aiming for a 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in road accidents by the end of 2010. We can all do our part to make Britains roads safer by driving carefully at all times. However, even if you are a safe and conscientious driver, you cannot always guarantee how other people may behave on the roads. By taking out comprehensive insurance you will give yourself great financial protection from accidents and as a result hopefully feel a little safer behind the wheel.

Same day loans for people on benefits-An instant financial assistance for disabled

Inefficient monthly income and disability goes side by side. If you are staying on benefits provided by DSS (department of social security) and unable to maintain your financial status, here are same day loans for people on benefits for you. This is the affordable and feasible source of finance that let you live without any financial distress. If disability is ruining your life and shortage of finances is taking away the peace, here is suitable and beneficial financial aid available right away. It can be the appropriate fiscal aid for disabled who often feel incompetent to earn enough for them and need immediate financial aid.

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Plus, presence of bad factors does not affect the approval of these loans. So, lender accepts the application of all borrowers with any type of credit scores. One can simply enjoy this financial aid with comfort and swiftness of their home or office.

ICT in Financial Inclusion, Taxation, Excise and Finance – Abhishek Sinha

Please also visit FIPS(“Financial Inclusion & Payment System”)

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Bad Credit Loans For Cars – Prstamo Para Carros – Crdito Malo

Espanol? – Prstamo para carros.

English –

If you have had late payments that are bringing down your credit score, there are loan companies that are willing to help you with auto financing. Some of these companies may not be available in your local area. There are companies, that can provide you with loans for cars (Prstamo para carros) if you need special finance.

There are programs available through online lenders that can provide you with little to no money down (ningn dinero hacia abajo) and easy payment terms.

In years past, it was very difficult to obtain a real auto loan when you had credit problems. Many people were forced to turn to buy here pay here car lots in order to buy a car. Now, there are better options available for consumers, and many of these are found online through reputable companies that specialize in helping people with bad credit.

Overcoming a bad credit history can be very difficult if you apply for an auto loan with poor credit. Applying with secondary or sub-prime lenders that specialize in working with people that have bad credit, is very important for securing auto finance with reasonable terms.

Applying online is very easy, and you can get instant results. It only takes a few minutes to apply with an online lender and you can be driving a new or used vehicle by tommorow.

Getting approved now is even easier for Spanish speaking Americans as the applications are now available in their language.