Building Passive Income With The Prophetmax Program

Creating hands free passive income so you can retire early, buy a house on the beach and live your dream lifestyle is something that everyone wants but less than 2% of the population actually ever achieves.

ProphetMax was created by Senen Pousa to help average people create passive income and finally achieve that elusive dream lifestyle.

Having monthly and residual passive income flooding into your bank account while you hang out on the beach sounds great but the question is does Senen Pousa’s ProphetMax program actually deliver results?

Literally dozens of wealth building programs promising to deliver passive income pop onto the internet daily and the majority of them simply fail to deliver. After the urging of a few of my investment partners I decided to take a deeper look into ProphetMax. Here’s what I discovered.

ProphetMax targets a 100% annual return on investments through Forex and various trading systems. The program’s goal is to enable each member to create a full time passive income within 3-5 years. However, high return investments are not the only focus of ProphetMax. The program is built to also deliver a quality financial education with strong emphasis on wealth building and personal development.

ProphetMax achieves this for its members by taking you through 4 different levels of financial education, wealth building and personal development with each level targeting a different area of wealth creation

ProphetMax Level 1

In level 1 you set your Target Passive Income (TPI) and develop a step by step plan of action. Level 1 is very intense. There are actually 13 different lessons with 5 steps in each lesson you must complete before you are allowed to proceed to the next level. In level one you’ll get really clear on where you currently are financially with a specific target and action plan to get your dream lifestyle within 3-5 years.

What’s amazing about level one are the KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) that actually show you a very professional visual graph of your action plan. Mapping your target passive income out visually allows you to clearly focus on and attack your goals.

ProphetMax Level 2

Level 2 is where the personal development and mindset training kicks in. You’ll discover how to think like the rich and increase your comfort zone with abundance and wealth. Your mindset and having a prosperity conscience is probably the most overlooked but most crucial part of building wealth. You’ll never become a millionaire unless you learn to think like one. ProphetMax teaches you how to develop a wealthy mindset. This is what makes ProphetMax completely different from any other financial and investment trading program.

ProphetMax Level 3

This is where the action and magic happens. Level 3 is where you actually start creating passive income. There are several automated trading systems and professional traders that provide you with proprietary trading signals.

You simply follow the trading signals provided by professional traders. You do not need to know how to trade yourself. Your only job is to follow the recommended trades or you can have them executed automatically through your brokerage account.

This literally takes less than 10 minutes per day. There are also weekly webinars and detailed reports for tracking the ProphetMax trading system’s results. With detailed tracking you’re able to accurately fine tune and perfect your performance so you stay on the fast track to creating a fulltime passive income.

ProphetMax Level 4

Level 4 opens up various institutional grade investments and private placements which are not available to the public or any ProphetMax member who has not progressed past level 3. This is the kind of closely guarded financial information normally reserved for the ultra-wealthy. You’ll actually have to join the program and progress through level 3 to receive access to the wealth building strategies in level 4.

So Does ProphetMax Actually Deliver Results?

When it comes to passive income and building wealth there is no “magic system”. There is no “holy grail” money making formula. If you’re looking to get rich overnight you’ll be disappointed with ProphetMax. The system targets 100% annual returns with a 3-5 year plan to creating a full time passive income.

Effective Business Card Design For Financial Advisors

Financial Advisors have a certain image that they need to portray, and that really comes across in the business cards that they hand out. Financial advisors need to show their conservativeness, formality, and stability, along with the reputation of the company they represent.

The business card design is so important in this field because you are dealing with money, and people are very concerned about where their money will go and what kind of profit they can make with it. This is a huge business, and there are thousand of financial advisors to choose from, so the first impression can be a huge factor in whether they choose you. The design should be both bold, and traditional. You want to show them that you can invest their money wisely while taking a little risk to ensure more profit. There shouldnt be any bright colors or pictures, just confident lettering and possibly a small clip art design. A financial advisor wants his or her business card to say they do the job with self-belief and reliability.

If you do have a picture, it should be of the company logo. The brand name of the company is what many people look for when choosing a financial advisor. The larger the company the more trust consumers tend to have. Color business cards are the way to show off your style and innovation without deterring from your position of investing their money. The colors should be strong but not bright. A deep blue, or forest green shows status and importance without seeming arrogant or trendy. When investing money consumers arent looking for new trends over the long run, they are looking for permanence.

When putting information on your business card design take into account what type of financial advising you offer, and whom you are giving the card to. For the most part financial advisors are looking for more people to invest with them. Include the words of the company logo, and the company name and address. Dont put information that you dont need. Although it should be full, you dont want the business card to be overwhelming. Fonts are also important on a financial advisors business card. Again, they should show reserve in your business, but they should portray the type of investing that you do.

More important in the financial world then even the business card design, is the way you hand out your business card. In this day and age people tend to give out business cards like a deck of cards, by flipping them across tables. The correct etiquette is to hand them out before business meetings. Hand the person the card with the readable side up, with a thumb on the upper corner so that they can immediately read the card. When receiving the card, have the respect to read it in front of them, so that not only can you see what it says, but also you can put the card with the face. This may be your only chance to earn their business, so make your business card count.

How To File For A Tax Extension In Five Simple Steps

April 15 is the official deadline to file tax returns and pay taxes in the US every year; and though aware of this deadline, many people fail to do so. While some people put off the filing work for no reason, few others dont find the time to gather all their tax documents. No matter what the reason, failing to file the tax return forms within April 15 results in hefty penalties, which keep on accumulating one above the other until the dues are paid off; unless a provision for tax extension is filed. For the benefit of taxpayers of US, the IRS allows a provision for extending the deadline to file tax returns up to 6 months, called IRS tax extension and all it takes is filing the tax extension form 4868 within April 15 and getting it approved. Not only it extends the deadline to file a tax return, but also avoids all sorts of penalties associated with late filing. So without further ado, lets discuss the simple, five step methodology to understand how to file for a tax extension.

1. Understanding Tax Extension

The first and foremost thing to do before knowing how to file for a tax extension is to understand what are its features. An extension essentially extends the time to file a tax return but doesnt extend the deadline for paying your taxes. April 15 shall remain to be the last date to pay all your tax dues and more importantly, April 15 is also the last date to file for a tax extension.

2. Reviewing the Need for Extension

Most people make the unnecessary move of learning how to file for a tax extension without even reviewing the need for an extension in their case. If you have all the documents ready, your accountant available at your service and no financial complications to pay the taxes, there is absolutely no need to buy extra time. It just becomes an excuse to procrastinate and delay filing further and further.

3. Form 4868 and 7004

In order to file for an extension, you need to fill the form 4868 for individual purpose and form 7004 for business. These forms are available both in paper form and online, the latter being the most preferred one. You can download and print the form for free from the IRS website or even take the help of an e-file provider website who also offer an online tax calculator.

4. Filling the Form

Though you know how to file for a tax extension, your form could get rejected by simple entry errors or incorrect information. So fill out the form carefully by providing valid information; and your name, contact information and social security number are the only documents you would need to fill out the form. Once done, you can track the status of your submitted form and get an email confirmation from the IRS on its reception.

5. Filing Tax Returns

Getting an extension of 6 months shouldnt be an excuse to delay filing tax returns. Once you get an approval, gather all the documents you would need, consult your accountant if there is one and ensure you take every aspect into consideration such as tax deposits, tax refunds, due amount etc. to file a tax return that helps your financial interests.

These 5 points are explained in brief and give an outline the process of filing. To know more about how to file for a tax extension, do your research or take the help of an e-file provider website which will not only help you file the extension form but also offers features like online tax calculators and advisory services.

Regaining Financial Stability through Negotiated Debt Consolidation Loans

Australia was one of the few countries around the world that emerged relatively unscathed from the financial crisis that gripped most of Europe, United States of America, and Asia. However, there were many businesses and individuals who had to take the unwelcome step of having to declare bankruptcy, a move that is literally the last resort for many people.

Financial Meltdown

With money flowing freely and credit cards being issued with the minimum of due diligence, the spending spree was quite large; however, when the economy slowed down and shifted focus, the creditors started pressurising their clients for repayments. For individuals and businesses that had problems repaying the accumulated debts, the only option left to them was to find debt solutions in Australia which would be acceptable to the creditors. This type of situation is tailor-made for the services of a debt mediator who can then provide the individual and the creditors with a mutually agreeable debt solution. The role of a debt mediator is to completely research the financial standing of the debtor, before they can even begin the process of consolidating all the debts. This type of solution through debt consolidation has proved to be one of the best solutions that are acceptable to both parties.

Expert Debt Mediators

One of the most common methods used to find debt solutions in Australia to repay creditors is to take a debt consolidation loan; this is a single personal loan provided by financial institutions, which can clear all or part of their outstanding debts. This solves any incipient problems of a creditor trying to pressurise the debtor to file for bankruptcy. One of the advantages of this kind of debt solution is that the debtor does not have to keep track of different debt repayments, because all the debts will be consolidated into one debt. With the consolidation loan, the part or full repayment can be done, but any future repayment is done with one payment on a monthly basis, freeing the debtor from having to keep track of various repayment issues.

Clean Credit Score

Defaulting on debt repayments, which is normally considered after a 60-day delay, is usually recorded in an individual’s credit history. This record might seriously impair the debtor’s ability to obtain any future credit, which would hurt them quite badly; the entry in the credit report is usually kept for a period of 5 years or longer. However, using the debt solution provided by your debt mediators through a consolidation loan would help to solve this problem and avoid a poor rating or credit score in Australia. This consolidation loan works on the principle of reducing or cancelling all or part of your debts, and consolidating the remaining repayments with a monthly single payment, which would be easier to manage for the debtor. By consolidating the debts, the debtor is able to easily manage their remaining debts or liabilities in an efficient and effective way without having to worry about when the next repayment is due.

Author’s Bio:

Author has many years of experience in content writing. He is the most celebrated and acclaimed author in financial sector. Now he is providing information on debt solutions Australia and credit score Australia.

Financial Freedom for Professional Women – Changing Your Negative Beliefs about Money

Have you ever stopped to really think about what your beliefs are around money? Did you know that many of our money beliefs were shaped during our childhood? Some of those beliefs were planted unintentionally by our parents or other influential people in our lives. Others rise out of our own personal experiences, especially past negative experiences. For some it can be a fear of writing checks because in the past they have bounced so many. For others, it can be a fear of success. Some beliefs serve us well and are helpful, while others hold us back.

Negative money beliefs limit us and hold us back because they block our ability to take in information that is in conflict with them. They keep us from seeing how to make meaningful changes. As long as we are being held back by negative money beliefs that don’t serve us, we go through life blindly following those negative beliefs, without conscious thought or the realization that there are other choices available to us. These negative beliefs and the negative energy that they create in our lives lead to self-sabotage.

The key is to raise your awareness of your beliefs around money. If you continue to let negative beliefs define your relationship with money, you will always feel like you are fighting with yourself.

Here are some of the most common negative money beliefs:

More money will make my life better’

Money is bad’ or (in some religious circles) -Money is the root of all evil’

Money is unimportant’

I don’t deserve money’

If you are good, God or the universe will provide for you.’ This goes hand-in-hand with -It is more blessed to give than to receive.’

Do any of these beliefs sound familiar? Have these beliefs held you back, perhaps on a subconscious level? What about your children – what money beliefs are they absorbing? You certainly don’t want them carrying on negative beliefs and habits. It’s important to free yourself, not only for yourself but so your children can experience freedom and success, too!

If you have a belief that is causing you pain, you can change it to one that will get you to where you want to be in your life. You can turn your beliefs from negative to positive. Increasing your wealth is a matter of increasing the quality of your thoughts. If you want to permanently change your financial destiny, you must consciously change your money beliefs.

Examine your beliefs about money. Decide which ones will get you to the next level and which need to be replaced with more positive ones. Recognizing that you have a belief that is holding you back is the first step to changing it. Finding a mentor or coach who has been where you are and can guide you through the maze infinitely faster will make all the difference as well.

Melissa Cappleman is a spiritual prosperity expert and the founder of Blessed & Rich. She works with spiritually-open female entrepreneurs and women in corporations who struggle with the value they bring to their work freeing them to step into their unique brilliance and live the happy, balanced life of their dreams. You can learn more at and sign up for her 6 week bootcamp can I Really Be Paid That Much.