Financial Times Backs Morocco For Investment

An article in The Financial Times by Heba Saleh recently recognised that Morocco’s economy is remarkably immune from the economic challenges facing many other countries around the world. There is solid evidence to show it is maintaining economic stability in the face of the global credit crisis.

“The numbers in 2008 are certainly showing the very great resilience of the Moroccan economy in the context of international turmoil.” said Frances Clottes, head of the World Bank in Morocco. Despite the continuing reliance on agriculture for employment, increased revenue has come from tourism and corporate tax receipts – which rose 70% due to the higher level of investment in the country.

The most notable overseas investment has come from Renault, which is putting $1 billion into a new manufacturing plant adjacent to the new Tangier Med Port inside the Free Trade Zone. When complete the Port alone will generate around 100,000 new jobs and will be the largest such facility in the Mediterranean. The deal on its own is significant but ambitious locals are seeking to use this recognition by an internationally respected corporation to attract many other companies to the area, especially those in the aeronautical and automotive industries.

Morocco’s economic stability and the attraction of the Free Trade Zone in Tangier look likely to attract significant levels of further investment. All analysts foresee continuing high demand for property as the wealth created spreads through the Moroccan professional classes and expat professionals look for “western standard” accommodation.

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Solve The Problems Of Solvency Ratios By Online Tutoring

These rates are measured to determine the ability of a firm to pay off its long-term reasonable responsibilities. Some people call them as long- phrase solvency rates. Important solvency rates are (i) reasonable financial obligations value amount (ii) finish sources to reasonable financial obligations amount (iii) unique amount.

(i) Debt value ratio
Meaning: this amount indicated the relationship between long- phrase reasonable responsibilities and the value (or traders fund) as such this amount is worked out by breaking long- phrase reasonable responsibilities by traders financial.

Formula: reasonable financial obligations value amount = reasonable financial obligations / value or long phrase reasonable responsibilities / traders sources or external sources / inner funds

(a) Debts are long-term responsibilities having maturity after one year. It is also known as long- phrase sources (or external funds) debentures long-term loans form bank and financial companies and public deposits are examples of long-term reasonable responsibilities.

(b) Investor funds: it denotes the sum of preference talk about reasonable investment value talk about reasonable investment general reserve reasonable investment reserves securities premium balance and credit balance of income and loss A/c etc. by bogus sources (if any) like preliminary costs talk about problem costs discount on problem of share/debentures underwriting commission etc. should be deducted.

Alternatively it can be measured as non-current sources + existing sources existing liabilities

Significance: the reasonable financial obligations value amount of 2: 1 is the norm accepted by financial companies for financing projects it means reasonable financial obligations could be twice the value. This quantity reveals the comparative quantity of economical provided to the company by visitors and by the entrepreneurs. A low reasonable financial obligations value amount implies a greater claim of entrepreneurs on the sources than the loan companies in the organization. It provides security to loan companies on the other hand a high reasonable financial obligations value amount indicated that the claims of the loan companies are greater than those of the owners; it is taken as negative sign.

(ii) Total sources to reasonable financial obligations ratio
Meaning: this amount shows the relationship between finish sources and the long phrase reasonable responsibilities of the organization.
Formula: finish resource to reasonable debts amount = complete resources debt Factors
(a) Total sources (tangible) contains all fixed sources, reasonable investment and existing sources but excludes bogus sources (if any). Investment contains business reasonable investment into shares or debentures of another organization for the purpose of promoting its own business or organization.

(b) The reasonable responsibilities (long phrase debts) have already been described in the context of reasonable financial obligations value amount.
Significance: this amount measures the proportion of finish sources borrowed by long-term reasonable financial obligations. The greater amount indicated that the level of inner ownership is more in income generating activates of an organization and versa.

Alternatively, a better way of making the amount is reasonable financial obligations to finish sources. In that case take reasonable investment employed (internal sources + external funds) instead of finish sources. This would give the level f organization belongings to guests. In fact, it will become the reciprocal of unique amount.

(iii) Proprietary ratio
Meaning: this amount indicated the relationship between value (shareholders fund) and finish real sources and is measured by breaking the traders financial (equity) by finish sources.
Formula: unique amount = traders sources or net worth / finish assets
Factors: both terms traders financial and finish sources (tangible) have already been described.

Significance: normally, unique amount attempts to indicate the part of finish sources borrowed through traders financial. A high unique amount is indicative of strong budget of the organization. The greater the amount, the better it is.

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Choosing Certified Financial Planner As Career

Choosing a career is one of the most important decision for the youths. It is the most crucial period of life. It is lengthy procedure which makes one life, so if you are on the way to begin your life time achievements, certified financial planning is the best option one should follow.

A Certified Financial Planner, or CFP, basically is a financial professional who meets the requirements set up by the CFP Board of Standards. If you enjoy studying maths, economics and finance with full interest than career in certified financial planning is the best option for you.

Because of the economy and economic depression most of the people have started targeting on their finances and finding out different ways to maximize their savings and income without any major loss. Hence the demand and need of financial planners has increased, everyone or the other is seeking out financial planner experts for their guidance and help to meet the defined financial goals.

The career as a financial planner starts with certified financial planning course which is done after completing the bachelor’s degree in either finance, maths, economics, accounting or statistics. After completing graduation, you can further continue to complete several courses according to your choice and interest with future planning ahead. Several courses can be done in estate / tax / investment planning or finance law. This short term courses will be helpful to you in completing certified financial planning course.

Then in order to achieve certified financial planning course, you must met following requirements which are as follows :-

1.Complete Education Requirement :- Complete all the basic requirements to opt this course and also CFP Board Registered Education Program.
2.You will receive a transcript review, keep it safe with you.
3.After that prepare and try your best to pass CFP certification Examination.
4.Try pursuing three years of work experience for the certification.
5.After that you must be also eligible to pass the CFP Board’s Candidate Fitness Standards, which is also very important and help you in achieving certification.
6.All the certification fees must be paid on time.
7.Upon completion of all the formalities and payment, CFP certificants will receive authorization and designation as CFP
8.Continuing Education should be completed as per CFP Board.

To select certified financial planning course as your career ahead, do some Internet searches on search engines like google, yahoo, bing. Look into local yellow page directories, contact financial planner, read reviews of financial planners. Try having a word with them or set up meeting with them if you are serious about your career.

All these certifications will be required by you to continue for further academic qualifications and to maintain your probability in the financial planning field. Usually the educational program may consist of few classes annually or so, with the aim keeping in mind to update planners regarding the latest knowledge and make sure they keep their skills sharp at all times. In addition, a financial planner will need to fulfill some specific specifications and regulations besides acting upon good faith.

Diversify Home Health, Home Care And Hospice Services To Secure Your Agencys Financial Future

Have you ever heard the advice to not put all your eggs in one basket? Well the advice is good, especially if you are a Home Health, Home Care or Hospice agency. Putting all your eggs in one basket in the Home Health, Home Care or Hospice industry means having only one line of business. In todays environment, one line of business is a dangerous path to walk. Already we have seen repeated cuts to the Home Health reimbursement formula, and Hospice is under scrutiny and will probably see some rather dramatic cuts in the future. Some Home Care (Private Pay) agencies are seeing a decline in both clients and hours, as well. Just as the chant location, location, location is cited for a business success, diversification is the same for agencies in the Home Health, Home Care and Hospice industry.

As a Home Health or Hospice agency, you may be asking how you can diversify. You already take private insurance, much of which doesnt even cover your expenses. Where can you diversify?

Years ago, many Home Health agencies invested in private duty services. Unfortunately, many of them tried to run these agencies the same way they ran the Medicare-Certified agencies. This turned out to be a less than a financial success for them and, as a result, most of the agencies closed their Private Pay agencies or sold them. I was one of those administrators running both types of agencies. Fortunately, the corporation that owned the agency I managed understood the differences required to successfully operate these two very distinct businesses. As a result, the internal structures and systems for Private Pay were run with entirely different staff and procedures. Fortunately, the Private Pay agency was a financial success and a great partner for the Medicare business.

In todays environment, it may be wise for Medicare agencies to look again at the Private Pay industry and invest in another line of business that will not be subject to the changes of CMS. This holds true for both Medicare Home Health and the Hospice agencies. The opportunities in a Private Pay agency are endless. The services offered are as open and vast as the community served will support. By using the lessons learned from the previous attempts to diversify into Private Pay, the new line of business makes the difference between surviving and thriving.

For Private Pay (Home Care) agencies, diversification is just as important. By having only one or two lines of business, you will very likely have some down times with loss of revenues. Diversification of services helps to diminish the effects of the decline on your personal care or live-in services. There are so many opportunities in the Private Pay arena, it really is a matter of finding out what your marketplace will support and then developing it in such a manner that your customers will see value and buy.

Over the years I have seen some very creative and innovative Private Pay agency owners create truly unique services that were well received by their communities. One agency had a very viable service line in cruise companions. They had a high end senior population that were used to cruises, but because of declines in health and abilities, many of the seniors could no longer travel. The agency developed a contract with a major cruise line where they provided the personal care workers or aides that accompanied the senior on the cruise. The client paid for all the related cruise expenses as well as the daily live-in rate for the aide. Reportedly a great time was had by all.

Another agency developed a Mom and Babe program that catered to the large number of young, educated families in their geographic area. The program retained the services of an OB-GYN RN, who made the first visit to the home the day after the mother was discharged from the hospital. The aide, who was a trained doula, also accompanied the RN on the first visit. The services were bundled into either 5- or 7-day, 12 hour/day packages that included the RN visit and the 5 or 7 days of the specialty aide. The aide not only cared for the mother and baby, but tended to the home and other children, allowing the new mother and baby to have bonding time. The aide planned and cooked the meals and did the laundry and light housekeeping so that the mother could rest. The program, as mentioned, was sold as a package and made great shower gifts. The aide was available on an hourly rate to continue services beyond the package if the family wished, or her services could be bought by the family directly for however long they were needed.

As you can see, there is no limit to what your agency can provide. With appropriate due diligence and an ability to listen to what your community is seeking and willing to pay for, you can do anything. If youre ready to plan a more secure financial future for your agency, contact us today to discuss the many diverse opportunities that are awaiting you.

How The Internet Changed The Face Of The Stock Market

The Internet has affected the way we live our lives. It has made the world smaller. Now, information is at a persons fingertips. It has elevated online transactions to greater heights. Goods and services can be purchased online via websites. Book a trip, order a take out, bid at an auction, all in the comfort of your own home.

Financial services have also been improved greatly by the Internet. People no longer needed to queue in banks to affect a transfer, or to go to the nearest automated teller machines. Even stock trading has not escaped this assault by the Internet.

Before, the only way to join the trading bandwagon was engaging the services of a broker and trusting them with your money and stock portfolio. This was both a complicated and harrowing experience for the average Joe. Today, virtually any ordinary person can trade stocks on their own, needing only an account which they can open with their preferred bank and an access point to the Internet. Only their financial
skills and finances can limit them.

Stock information usually limited to business programs in televisions and newsprint are now made available by several sources on the Internet. Large brokering firms now provide stock market reports, tips and forecasts to subscribers for a fee.

Buying and selling stocks can now be made by a trader over the Internet using online exchanges. Banks now offer stock trading online to depositors as a way of investing and growing their money. Between May 1999 to January 2000, the number of US households trading stocks and shares online jumped 30 percent from 2.7 million to 3.5 million.

Investment portfolios had also increased 32 percent from $100,000 to $132,000. Even stock brokers have gone online in the hopes of landing more clients. Already, 466 new online stock trading firms have opened in Sweden, 685 in the UK and 1178 in Germany.

Even the face of the stock market has changed considerably with the entry of Internet-related businesses. Over the years, startup companies providing online services, web content and electronic commerce have also put up their stocks in the market. Companies providing services over the Internet such as online search engines have posted some of the most profitable stocks in recent years.

The effect of the Internet on stock trading over the years has been significant. Now, more than ever before, investors are taking control of their own investments, relying less and less on personal brokers.