Bring Change, Donate For Special Occasion

Each of us like to do something different on our special days then why not choose to donate for special occasion? There are innumerable occasions we celebrate during the year. Be it birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, festivals, success parties and the list goes on. During these times we spend lavishly because we are capable of spending so much but would it hurt our pockets if we decide to spend some amount from our budget for the benefit of the underserved children? Hope not!

Donation for special occasion does not mean one has to contribute lump sum of money to a non-profit organisation in India or abroad. It is the intent and the potential behind the donation that counts. For example: if a donor donates Rs. 750 for special occasion towards The Akshaya Patra Foundation, a non-profit organisation in India implementing the mid-day meal scheme, then the donor is actually taking care of a child’s school lunch for one whole year. How? The operational and administrative efficiency of Akshaya Patra allows the NGO to provide one wholesome meal per day to a child at a cost of just Rs. 750 for one whole year. This non-profit organisation in India has been implementing the mid-day meal scheme since 2000. Today, it serves freshly cooked nutritious mid-day meals to 1.4 million children across the entire country, every day.
As a transparency and accountability policy, this non-profit organisation in India regularly publishes its Annual Report for each financial year. Along with reporting the achievements, developments and plans for the next year, it religiously publishes all its audited financial statements and reports for its stakeholders. It accounts all the grants, subsidies and donations it has received to implement the mid-day meal scheme and how the fund was utilised. In the financial year 2013-14, Akshaya Patra’s programme-wise break-up of cost is, 84% for the mid-day meal programme, 12% for programme management and 4 % for fund raising and communications. Among various communication awards, Akshaya Patra has become the first NGO to have been inducted to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India’s (ICAI) Hall of Fame as a result of being the recipient of the Gold Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting for five consecutive years – a true testimony to the Foundation’s transparent model of operation.

The beneficiaries of this non-profit organisation in India are young hearts studying in Government schools. They are children who cross all barriers to come to school because of their strong determination to change the future. The success stories will introduce you to children from across India who despite all odds has their dreams and aspirations just like any other child growing up amidst comforts. When you choose to donate for special occasion, you are actually acting upon to change one or more of these lives.

Donate for special occasion. The significance of charity will certainly give a new meaning to your celebration.

Financefix- They help your future by fixing your financial constraints

Finance from a bank or a company is increasingly becoming an indispensable need of our lives. Whether, be it for personal purpose or commercial, loan from a company or a bank help you in the wake of financial constraints. It is thus very important to manage your finances effectively. One may need loans for buying a house or a car, for business growth, or to acquire costly education. Inept management of finances can lead to restoration shortages. Experts believe that improved credit scores increases the probability of getting a loan way too easily. A good credit history is considered highly important and is an essential factor for a lot of banks and companies on which they provide loans.

Thus, a problematic or bad credit history can indeed create issues in the way of getting finances or loans. In that case, one can always turn to Financefix. Financefix Private Limited, incorporated in year 2006 is a proud member of Financiers Association of Australia. It was found at a time when so called -mainstream- finance was not available for those people who had some finance issues in the past. As a result, it created defaults on their credit history file forbidding them from getting finances from a bank or a company.

Thus, the need of setting up of Financefix was felt to help people who could not get through the mainstream finance. Financefix believes that most of them were good people but were incapable of getting finances because they had certain credit problems. Even when they are capable of affording a loan, their past record doesn’t allow them to get through any of the mainstream finance companies or banks. Therefore, Financefix ensures to finance such people with credit problems in the past, provided they earn enough to afford the repayments.

Also, Financefix makes automotive financing a hassle free and seamless task. They have an extensive range of cars that are carefully tested in workshop and are sold with a RWC or a safety certificate with a 3 year warranty is given with the loan. Besides automotive financing, Financefix has an extensive range of finance and insurance products as well. Financing with Financefix is easy and promising that just requires completion of their online application form that is free and easy to fill. . The limit of the loan usually exceeds to a maximum of $8000. Financefix’s Credit impaired car loans has few conditions that involves one must have enough income to afford repayments and a deposit amount of usually $1000-$2000 is a must. Financefix’s commits itself to be your trusted finance partner and promises to be there in every step of the way to help you. To know more about their services in finance and insurance, please visit their website at

Financial Advice Why Paying For it Saves You Money

For many years, independent financial advisors in the UK have operated on a sales-driven commission model. This has meant that instead of being paid directly by those who came to them for impartial financial advice, they received a commission from the providers of the financial products as a marketing cost, with the advice function being a secondary consequence of the transaction.

While this offered short-term benefits for the cash-strapped consumer looking for financial advice, it brought a host of problems. The most obvious was that financial advisors were incentivised to recommend products that paid them attractive commission not necessarily those that were right for their clients.

This problem reached its peak with the pensions mis-selling scandal, which saw thousands of people move out of occupational pensions schemes when they would have been better advised to stay put. Although it first came to light many years ago, pensions mis-selling was still a problem as recently as 2008, when unscrupulous financial advisors were found to be encouraging investors to switch their pensions at a total cost of 43m per year.

As things stand, advisors can take commission when they sell products such as pensions or unit trusts, as well as a trail or recurring commission for every year the consumer holds the product. According to the FSA, these commissions amounted to an average of 5.6% of the sum invested. So while financial advice might be free at the point of sale, it certainly does have an impact on the performance of an investment and, more importantly, it is clear that the advice given to the consumer can never be truly impartial.

However, there is a different way, as Neil Shillito, Director of leading financial advisors SG Wealth Management, explains. Stephen Girling (my fellow director) and I wrote our business plan in 2000, and we felt that the best way to run a higher-end financial advice business was on the basis of what is now known as Customer Agreed Remuneration, he says. Put simply, what advice and service can I expect to be given, over how long and at what cost? People in the industry looked at us as though we were mad. But we were ten years ahead of the thinking at that time. Slowly, the Regulator and the industry have accepted the changes.

The firm has a completely transparent model, where clients are simply charged a percentage of their investment in return for first class advice and service, irrespective of and unrelated to investment products. It took time for the firms offering to catch on, but it soon proved popular. It was very tough in the early years, recalls Shillito. We didnt have enough clients to generate referrals, so we worked hard to build up our presence in the local community and demonstrate that our business proposition added real value to the right kind of client. Despite the horrendous market downturn in 2001/2003 as a result of the bursting of the “tech bubble”, we became profitable in our fourth year, and have become increasingly profitable ever since. Even the recessionary period of 2007/2009 has failed to make a dent in the robustness of our financial stability.

It seems the rest of the financial advice industry is now coming round to SGWMs way of thinking: from 2012, UK financial advisors will be forced to charge the consumer directly for their services. Is SGWM concerned about the influx of new competitors? No, not really, Neil replies. We have a ten-year head start in terms of what the FSAs RDR [Retail Distribution Review] will bring in 2012. Firms that are changing slowly or reluctantly are going to find it hard to adjust, while were already accustomed to delivering our financial advice this way. If anything, it will be good for us, because it will raise awareness and acceptance of the direct-charging model.

Atlanta Mortgage Firm Urges Borrowers to Apply for Jumbo Loans

The jumbo loan market is the only bright spot in an otherwise shrinking mortgage market, and an Atlanta company that specializes in refinancing and purchasing of homes believes those dreaming of buying their own home should take advantage of the favorable market conditions. Christensen Financial, Inc., an Atlanta-based company that lends to those dreaming of buying their own homes or refinancing their properties, says that a lot of financial institutions are now relaxing their rules in order to cater to well-off borrowers. It cites that even the big banks in America are stepping up efforts to get more affluent borrowers, while keeping their credit rules tight for other customers. These banks are allowing assets in accounts of their borrowers to serve as collateral, reducing rates for customers with investment accounts, and even accepting lower down payments. In 2014, applications for jumbo loans rose by 4.9 percent, proof that more borrowers are cashing in on the relaxed rules of banks on this type of financing. Jumbo loans are available only to creditworthy borrowers with an average FICO score of 760. Christensen Financial, Inc. advises families and individuals to apply for jumbo loans, or those with a minimum amount of $417,000, so they can buy their dream properties. The firm says home owners in Atlanta and nearby areas wanting to apply for a jumbo loan can visit its website where they can get free quotes and even start their jumbo loan application. About Christensen Financial Christensen Financial is a mortgage company for people looking to buy or refinance their homes. It is backed by a team of highly skilled and experienced mortgage professionals. For more information, please visit Contact Details Lynnette L. Collins947 Courtright Street Balta, ND 58368

Debt Help Provided By Bankruptcy Courts To Individuals In Financial Crises

A severe debt situation can arise due to a number of reasons. It is important to clear a debt burden as quickly as possible, in order to get back the stability of your financial life and save your credit records from getting permanently damaged. Bankruptcy is one of the various debt solutions that can be availed to emerge out of a difficult debt situation. While it can be quite a challenge to file for bankruptcy owing to the various pessimisms involved in the procedure, adequate information obtained from experienced legal advisors can help in determining if it is appropriate for you.

If you are trying to cope with severe debt crisis, and planning to file for bankruptcy, it is important to obtain all necessary information regarding the rules and laws followed by the bankruptcy courts. Despite involving a number of negativisms, bankruptcy can help you clear the debt burdens efficiently. There are various kinds of bankruptcies that need to be known and evaluated before you can choose the right one for you. Consulting an expert legal attorney is important to decide on the most suitable type of bankruptcy for you.

If you are an individual trying to overcome a debt situation, filing for personal bankruptcy can help you clear your financial difficulties. Personal bankruptcy is divided into two types, namely chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 bankruptcy to help individuals in different financial situations.

In chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court seizes the non-exempt assets from the debtors and liquidates them for making payments to the lenders. However, there are certain bankruptcy laws that allow people to retain some of their valuable assets even after bankruptcy filing. An experienced and knowledgeable legal advisor can provide you adequate information on how to keep you assets in spite of filing for bankruptcy.

In chapter 13 bankruptcy however, you dont have to lose control over your assets. In this form of bankruptcy, you are provided with convenient repayment plans allowing you to make debt payments at affordable monthly rates and over a fixed period of time. Once you file for chapter 13 bankruptcy, the bankruptcy courts work on your behalf to negotiate with the creditors and provide you with easy repayment plans that are designed only after taking into consideration your monthly income and the necessary expenditures you have to make. You are expected to make the monthly payments only after you have paid for all your necessary monthly bills, and for a definite period of time. One of the most advantageous aspects of this type of bankruptcy is that it relieves you of any remaining debt amount after the lapse of the fixed time period.

Personal bankruptcy can help individuals immensely in overcoming severe financial crises. However, there are various bankruptcy laws made by the court that need to be known:

Personal bankruptcy can be filed only to clear unsecured debts. It cannot help in clearing unsecured debts.

You have to compulsorily complete a credit counseling course and present the certificate of completion at the court during the time of filing.

It is also a compulsory rule to pass a means test in order to prove the eligibility to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy.

While you are allowed by the court to file for bankruptcy yourself without an attorney, it is always advisable to take professional help for an efficient and successful bankruptcy filing.