Is The Eurozone Falling Apart

The Eurozone is also called the Euro area because of what it stands for. This union is made of 17 countries, members of the European Union which agreed to adopt the same currency and the same legal tender. This turns the Eurozone into a monetary and economic union. When the Eurozone was established back in 1999 it represented one of the first things that pointed out towards the tendency of globalization. Is this tendency no longer wanted? Do European leaders no longer want to be united under the same currency? Or is the Euro the cause of the current financial problems and maintaining this union can no longer be profitable or safe?

All these questions started to worry leaders from the Eurozone and not only. Even though the 17 countries that are part of this union are the ones directly involved and affected by a possible falling apart, the other European countries or states from other continents are very likely to suffer from the consequences of such a breakup too.

Most financial specialists say that the main cause of a possible Eurozone crash is the huge debts many of the 17 countries cannot pay back. The fact that Greece was threatened by a default and that only another loan was able to postpone what some consider the inevitable makes things even worse. Analysts say that this financial crisis resembles the incurable diseases called cancer. If it is ignored it doesnt go away. Instead it spreads until the patient dies. If the patient is the Eurozone, only an intense treatment can save the Euro and the economies of the states that adhered to it.

There are some investors who speculate that the end of the Eurozone is close and try to find ways of making money out of this crush. Some of the financial analysts say that it is because of these people who speculate for their own interest that the Euro is threatened and that the Eurozone can fall apart. In spite of that, there are obvious signs that things are not as they should be and that the common currency might cause more problems than help.

Investors get scared of all the negative news they hear and try to do their best to preserve their wealth. Many of them fear that keeping money in banks is not a good solution and choose to invest in assets that have high intrinsic value. Many of them choose to invest in gold or other precious metals that are the only hard assets that seemed to increase their value these days. They are making the right decisions since buying gold has, is and will always be a profitable investment.

Beta Analytic Launches Mobile App

Beta Analytic’s mobile app for Android and Apple devices is now available for download. The free app will allow all users to consult with the lab, access results, and receive up-to-date prices and other information. With the BETA App, clients can have their radiocarbon results and the lab’s expertise in their pocket, whether they are on the field, in the lab, or attending a conference. BETA App users can now consult their carbon-14 results and quality assurance reports, access sample collection and submittal advice, and contact the company’s global team for prices and technical support directly from the app.

The app is free to download onto a smartphone and other mobile devices. It is optimized for iOS 7.0 and Android 4.0 and higher. The user’s device requires a PDF viewer to access the lab reports. The number of reports that can be downloaded depends on the device’s available storage.

Why Download the BETA App

Clients can get their radiocarbon results straight to their smartphone or tablet AMS dating results are reported directly to the clients’ online account in 2-14 business days depending on the service selected. All lab results are ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited.

Offline Reports: Clients can take their Carbon-14 results to the field Beta Analytic clients can log into their secure portal when connected to the internet and download technical, quality and calibration reports onto the BETA app and consult them in offline mode wherever they may be.

Sending samples for radiocarbon dating is easier than ever With the simple step-by-step guide, Beta App users can consult sample size requirements, access customs and shipping information, and find a local forwarding address in minutes, even in offline mode. Questions about the lab’s sample submittal procedure can be emailed through the BETA App. With a 3G or Wi-fi connection, users can contact the lab via the BETA app to obtain a quote for samples or get technical assistance before, during, or after the analysis. The lab will respond to inquiries within 24 hours.

About Beta Analytic

Beta Analytic is the world leader in radiocarbon dating with more than 30 years in business. All analyses and measurements are performed in-house by full-time professionals at the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited radiocarbon dating laboratory in Miami, Florida. Founded in 1979, Beta Analytic’s commitment to meet the scientific community’s demand for accurate radiocarbon dating led to immediate success.

Dedication to accuracy and rapid delivery of results are at the core of its policies. AMS results are reported within 2-14 business days, depending on the service chosen. The company caters to a global clientele with rapid customer service in 10 languages, billing in major world currencies, and multiple sample forwarding facilities. By innovating new techniques, keeping abreast of the latest technology, and training qualified scientists to stay ahead of demand, Beta Analytic has maintained its firm commitment to quality AMS dating over the years. For more details, visit

Contact: Florencia Goren Beta Analytic Global Operations Manager Tel. No. – +(1) 305-667-5167 Email –

Two Reasons Financial Institutions Rely On Online Technology

One of them is security and the other is speed and efficiency. If you are a financial institution looking to provide your clients with fast and secure loans as well as keep up with competition and technology, look to automated loan origination systems as the new business management tool for your answer.

Automated decisioning is defined as a business management model that allows an organization to not only manage their organization but allow an organization to manage their processes while improving business operations and in turn not have to overly rely on IT departments.

A account origination is one way for a financial business to leap over stacks and stacks of paper and post it notes and use an automated system to instantly find out, while a customer is either in front of them, on the phone or currently on chat whether or not they qualify for a loan without waiting days to first check their credit score, their current debt, their income or whether they would remotely qualify.

Instead of wasting their time and yours going back and forth to different lending houses to see who would be able to give them a loan and at the best rate, this works out great for mortgage loan lenders, auto lenders and other financial institutions looking to increase workflow and keep tight security and provide their customers with a good service.

Business process management with technology produces results like a loan origination system, often in the form of loan origination software vastly speeding up the loan process. The system goes through a list of check lists before a loan is completed, checking a potential clients credit report, interest rates of different financial lenders and a persons financial history and then, close to instantly, a loan origination system can provide a detailed report about each area of the loan process. The idea that a loan could be sorted out in less than a day use to seem impossible, now it take seconds.

With todays modern designs for loan origination systems, loan offices are able to interact and have control of the system enabling them to submit loan applications, underwrite, review decisions manually and create closing documents.

Increase your financial businesss workflow today with a business process management system. Your customers and your office will appreciate the seamless operation only instant loan origination systems with the internet can provide.

Separation Agreement

Separation Agreement
A Separation Agreement is a written agreement otherwise known as a Deed of Separation which is suitable for married or cohabiting couples who have agreed the terms for their separation and want to record these terms in a formal legal agreement. By recording the agreed terms in a formal written deed there is no scope for future dispute over the agreed terms. The agreement will be legally binding and can be used for establishing the terms to go in a future divorce petition.

Who to Inform When Your Marriage Ends
You may need to get in touch with the following:

Landlord or housing office;
Housing benefit office;
Council tax office (England and Wales);
Mortgage lender;
Water, gas, electricity and telephone companies;
Tax office, particularly if you’re getting tax credits;
Your bank, especially if you have a joint account;
Hire purchase or credit companies;
Insurance companies, particularly if you have joint policies;
Post office, if you want mail redirected;
Your doctor, dentist and child health clinic.

Separating Informally
If you and your partner are married, you can separate by an informal arrangement. You will need to inform some or all of the people listed under heading Who to inform when your marriage ends.
However, any informal arrangement made when you separate may affect future decisions if you do ever go to court.

Whats Included in a Separation Agreement?
When preparing to draft the separation agreement each party must produce full and frank financial disclosure, showing documentary evidence of their assets and liabilities. Each party exchanges this information with the other. Then the discussion takes place and hopefully an explicit separation agreement can be drawn.
Examples of what you might want to include in an agreement are:

To live separately
Not to molest, annoy or disturb the other partner
To provide financial support (maintenance) for the other partner. A separation agreement would normally say that maintenance will stop if the partner starts living together with a different partner. Any agreement not to apply to court in the future for financial support does not count legally
To provide financial support (maintenance) for any children of the relationship. Any agreement not to apply to a court or to the Child Support Agency in the future does not count legally

Do I have to Financially Support my ex?
If unmarried, neither partner has a legal duty to support the other financially either during or after the relationship. However, a separation agreement might include a point that states, for example, that you will continue to provide financial support to your ex unless they start living with a new partner.

What are the advantages of a Separation Agreement?
The principal advantage is that is allows parties to reach agreement in relation to financial (and other) issues without having to go to Court. Such agreements can also serve to provide evidence that the parties have actually separated and that they consider the marriage is at an end. This may be helpful if proceedings for divorce are commenced at a later stage.

Judicial Separation vs Separation Agreements
Unlike separation agreements in which the Court has no involvement, judicial separation is dealt with through the Court. The procedure is similar to divorce; however, judicial separation does not actually bring the marriage to an end. It provides evidence that you have formally separated which could be helpful in any future divorce proceedings. It allows you to formally regulate your financial affairs by way of a Court order since the Court have powers to make the same orders that are available on divorce and those can be varied or enforced.
Can I revoke Separation Agreement?
If a couple decides to stay together, they may revoke their separation agreement.
Main features
Key features of the Separation Agreement service

Separate and apart
Children – residence and contact
Obtaining divorce by agreement
Finance – clean break ( where applicable)
Lump sum payments
Maintenance for spouse
Additional maintenance such as school fees
Child maintenance
Terminating events such as death or remarriage
Variation of agreement for maintenance
Occupation of family home
Transfer of family home
Release from mortgage
Sale of family home
Transfer of family company
Life insurance policies
Pension provision
Agreement to leave by will
Contents of family home
Other assets
Credit cards and unsecured debts

What happens if we have a Separation Agreement and then get Divorced?
Should you and your spouse subsequently divorce, provided your Separation Agreement is drawn up properly and isreasonable, a Court is unlikely to interfere with it and will usually seek to uphold the provisions contained in it.
Future Amendments in Separation Agreement
A well drafted separation agreement will allow for future amendments by either direct written change by both parties or a process of mandatory mediation or, as a final alternative, resort to the courts.
Enforcement of Separation Agreement
Reaching an agreement with your partner is not necessarily the end of the story. You need to make sure that the terms of the agreement or court order are carried out. If one of you does not comply with the agreement, and if you are unable to sort out any dispute or misunderstanding (either directly or with the assistance of solicitors) then it is possible that an application would need to be made to court.
If you were not married or in a civil partnership, then you or your former partner can probably enforce any written agreement that was made as a contract and ask the court to uphold its terms and force you or your former partner to comply.
If you were married or in a civil partnership, then there are a range of enforcement options potentially available to you. Exactly what you can do will depend on the type of obligation that your former spouse or civil partner has failed to comply with. For example:

The court could order that maintenance payments are paid directly from salary.
The court could place a charge against a property owned by the person who failed to pay you a lump sum of money and for the property then to be sold.
As a last resort, the court to send your former spouse or civil partner to prison.
The court could enforce maintenance payments for children

You should speak to a solicitor about which of the options may be best for you.
Enforcing a court order can be expensive and take time, so you need to bear in mind the potential costs of taking action as against the benefit of enforcing the agreement.

Are there any drawbacks?

There are some drawbacks toSeparation Agreements, including thefact that they are harder to enforce than a Court order.
In addition, a Court can, following an application by either of you in subsequent proceedings, make orders that differ fromthe provisions of the agreement. However a Court will only alter the terms of a Separation Agreement with good reason, for example, if theagreement is unfair or defective.
An error in properly identifying property rights in a separation agreement, or failing to note the intentional omission in the other party’s do-it-yourself draft, could mean a significant financial difference to the trusting but naive spouse, in their old age.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to take formal legal advice so that one of the parties to the agreement cannot subsequently claim that they did not understand all of the contents of the agreement.

Net Lawman templates on separation agreement are very straight forward. The template deed of separation is drafted with many optional clauses so that it is almost certain to cover all possible circumstances. The template can be easily edited to suit your specific requirements. You will then be left with a customised separation agreement. Our expert team of Solicitors and Barristers can help you in editing or deleting the words within square brackets throughout the agreement

Hiring Continues In The Middle East Wealth Management Bonanza

Despite chilly global credit markets, the Middle Eastern wealth management arena is a recruitment hotspot. Firms are busily hiring senior executives to spearhead new wealth management teams. For example, Merrill Lynch recently appointed Mazin Al-Shakarchi as a financial advisor covering Qatar from the Bahrain office. HSBC Bank Middle East has appointed Walid Boustany to the role of executive director, strategic investments, Middle East & North Africa. He will be responsible for HSBC’s strategic planning across the region. Goldman Sachs, the US investment bank, has appointed Fadi Abuali as co-head of its Middle East private wealth management business, alongside current head Farid Pasha.

And there is more: the Central Bank of Bahrain has approved Douglas Hansen-Luke as Robeco’s new chief executive for the Middle East. Mr Hansen-Luke formerly worked in senior positions for ABN Amro Asset Management in Asia, Europe and Saudi Arabia. Bahrain-based Ithmaar Bank has appointed Shaikh Salman bin Ahmad Al Khalifa as managing director, group business development.

The rash of appointments seen in recent years will continue, barring an unlikely collapse in demand for wealth management, Professor Amin Rajan, chief executive of Create-Research, a UK consultancy on the investment management industry, told WealthBriefing.

Wealth managers are going into the Middle East in a big way, said Professor Rajan. This is a high-margin business to be in as banks get fees right along the value chain, he said. But although the region is lucrative, making money is not easy. Local investors typically punish poor investment performance quickly – often far faster than is the case with European or US clients, said Professor Rajan.

The real issue is to understand the client mindset. Client money [in the Middle East] isn’t sticky at all. When performance is bad they ask for a rebate, which is how it should be. If [wealth managers] can survive in the Middle East, they can survive anywhere, he added.

Barclays Wealth, for example, has every intention of doing more than just survive in the region. As an illustration of its ambitions, Barclays is moving into a new 14,000 square feet office in the Dubai International Financial Centre, which will be a hub for the firm’s operations in the region. Operating currently in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Barclays Wealth is also planning to make its Doha Qatar office operational this year.

Barclays Wealth leadership believes that the Middle East is a core area of growth. A substantial investment in human resources and capabilities and a rigorous expansion plan will lead to a substantial increase in the scope of operations, Soha Nashaat, managing director, head of Middle East, North Africa & Turkey for Barclays Wealth, told WealthBriefing.
Like Professor Rajan, Ms Nashaat says wealth management firms entering the Middle East from outside the region must understand the local culture if they are to make a success of their business. For example, more than 70 per cent of businesses are family-owned, which requires managers to forge long-term connections.

Wealth managers must understand and cater to the regional trends such as the dominance of family offices, Ms Nashaat said. Investors tend to be intolerant of risk and hold a high proportion of assets in cash and in offshore locations, she added.

Middle Eastern clients put great stress on strong relationships with investment advisors and dislike high turnover in staff, a factor that wealth managers must consider in their staff recruitment and retention plans, Stuart Crocker, chief executive, Emirates Platform and Southern Gulf States, HSBC Private Bank told WealthBriefing.

People don’t like seeing relationship managers moving on every two or three years to other banks, he said. His own bank, part of the HSBC banking group, serves clients both from local Middle Eastern locations as well as from its teams of specialists in Geneva.

The general background for wealth managers is certainly favourable. The investable assets of HNW individuals will rise by 50 per cent between 2006 and 2010, according to Barclays Wealth data.

The number of HNW individuals rose by 11.9 per cent in 2006 from a year before, according to the latest Merrill Lynch/Capgemini World Wealth Report issued last June. Wealth management intermediaries have only started to manage a significant share of assets in the region. Research from Zurich International Life, for example, reveals that expats living in the Middle East prefer to rely on their own judgment or friends and family when purchasing financial products. The survey showed that fewer than one in ten expats would enlist a financial advisor, either in their country of domicile or residence, to help them make the financial decisions. Financial advisors have a vast untapped market to go for.

While researchers like PricewaterhouseCoopers have warned that wealth management firms face a skills bottleneck, hiring staff for Middle Eastern slots is being helped by a benign tax regime and attractive pay packages.

Private bankers in tax-free Dubai earn 25 per cent more than their peers in Geneva and almost 40 per cent more than colleagues in London, according to a recent survey by Dubai-based headhunter Dunn Consultancy FZ-LLC.

Excluding bonuses, private bankers in Dubai with at least 10 years experience receive an average salary of $276,500 with allowances, compared with pre-tax earnings of $221,900 in Geneva and $199,100 in London, it found.

The economics of wealth management in the Middle East certainly look compelling. For the time being at least, the toughest challenge for players in the region is keeping up with the pace.